
Welcome to W3Perl : a free logfile analyzer

This package allow to compute stats from web/ftp/squid/mail/dhcp/ssh server or your own logfiles.
Click here to proceed to the next step by defining a configuration file and then computing the stats.

Check update
- Latest version
- Bugs report
- I - Installation / Upgrade from the tar.gz package
If you have installed w3perl from a the tar.gz package, edit the install.pl script. Set your $pathcgi and $pathw3perl paths according to your server. Then run the install.pl script.
If you just need to upgrade the package, extract the new version over your current w3perl directory and run the upgrade.pl script.

If you have installed a packaged w3perl (windows/mac or rpm/deb on linux), go the next step

- II - Administration
First, password protect the admin section. If php is available, edit the /admin/pass.txt file to add your own IP, or use an htaccess file (see htaccess.dist file for apache server)
From the administration interface, you can manage your stats the way you like. Define your own configuration files from the template provided and run your stats.

- IIIa - Configuration
You need to define how the stats will be computed with a configuration file. Some are provided as examples. Feel free to use them as a template for your own.
If a web server is running, use the administration interface otherwise, you can use the online tool or edit one of the provided configuration file and save it where the w3perl scripts are located.

- IIIb - Installation from a RPM or Deb package
If you have installed the package from a RPM or Debian package, you can now compute your stats. Various configuration files are available. Feel free to modify them for your own purpose.

- IVa - Running the stats from a web interface
You can run the scripts from a web interface or from command line. Don't mix them as files will have different privileges.
If you choose the web interface, stats updates could be done remotely. Select 'Immediate Launch'

- IVb - Running the stats from command lines
If you want to run the stats on a daily basis, best is to run the master script (cron-w3perl.pl) in a crontab. Use 'cron-w3perl.pl -e' for update or 'cron-w3perl.pl -a' to reset.

- V - Documentation / Help / Bug
If you need some help, you can post a message in the forum. Online documentation is available here
If you think you have found bugs, please report them with this form. I will fix them as fast as possible.

- Apache server
Make sure cgi is enabled or you won't be able to use the web admin.
Ubuntu's users using Apache 2.4 should run the command 'a2enmod cgi' as cgi are not activated by default

You are running
W3Perl 3.20
(June 30th 2015)

arrow Proceed to the next step :  Administration interface  to build a configuration file and launch the stats.

Latest news
- Filter on users
- Threats report
- Improved hourly report
- CentOS package
- Improved load-balancing support
- Bug fixes.